Peach toast with garden honey and spicy bush basil
ChefsĀ Justin Wangler and Tracey Shepos Cenami
Jackson Family Wines, Santa Rosa

16 slices sourdough baguette, each 1 inch thick
About 2 cups extra virgin olive oil
Kosher salt, to taste
4 ripe peaches, halved, pitted and cut into wedges
1 scant cup honey
Sel gris or other moist, coarse salt, for finishing
1⁄4 cup small, fresh bush basil leaves
Prepare a gas or charcoal grill for direct cooking over medium-high heat. Brush grill grate clean. Lightly brush both sides of each bread slice with oil (about 1 tbsp. per slice) and sprinkle with kosher salt. Grill slices, turning once, until golden brown on both sides. Using tongs, transfer slices to a serving platter.
Top baguette slices with peaches, dividing them evenly. Drizzle each peach-topped toast with a scant 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Sprinkle with sel gris and then garnish with basil leaves. Serve immediately.
Serves 8
Wine recommendation: Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve Riesling
Recipe reprinted with permission from "Season," by Justin Wangler and Tracey Shepos Cenami, copyright 2018, published by Cameron + Company. Photos by Alan Campbell. See Book Reviews for more information.