Cherry-peach clafoutis with Ballast Point ale
Paul Murphy
Humphrey's Restaurant, San Diego

1 tbsp. vanilla extract
½ cup all purpose flour
1 ½ cups California cherries (pitted)
1 ½ cups California peaches (pitted and sliced)
2/3 cup sugar
¼ tsp. salt
¾ cup whole milk
½ cup Ballast Point ale
3 whole eggs
2 tbsp. of powdered sugar
In a medium mixing bowl, mix the vanilla, Ballast Point ale, sugar, milk and salt.
Slowly whisk in the flour and place some of the batter in a buttered 8-inch baking dish. Then place the baking dish in a preheated 350-degree oven for about five minutes or less; just so the batter sets. Remove from oven and place cherries and peaches over par baked batter. Next, pour remaining batter over the cherries and peaches and put back in oven and cook for about 30 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. Finally, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm.