Dolly Ramos' poborones

1 lb. Crisco (2 cups)
1 lb. toasted, ground almonds (3 1/2 cups whole almonds)
1 lb. powdered sugar (2 1/3 cups)
1 lb. flour (3 cups)
1 tbsp. cinnamon
Pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 350.
Thoroughly cream shortening, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Add almonds and blend well. Add flour and continue to mix, scraping sides and bottom of bowl often.
On a floured board, roll dough into a 1-inch roll. Cut into 2-inch squares and place on a cookie sheet. Bake on top rack of oven for approximately 10 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. As pastry is very delicate, rough handling before cooling will cause them to crumble.
TIP: Add flour as necessary so the dough doesn't stick to the pan.
Makes 5 - 6 dozen cookies