Dried Fuyu persimmons with blond chocolate and sea salt
Chef Todd Knoll
Jordan Vineyard and Winery, Healdsburg

12 Fuyu persimmons
4 oz. blond chocolate discs (about 4 discs per persimmon)
Sel gris, for garnish (or any artisan sea salt may be substituted)
Wash and peel fresh persimmons. Place persimmons, including stem, inside dehydrator. Dry at 135 degrees for 48 hours. (See tip below.)
When persimmons have dried, melt blond chocolate in a double boiler on stove over low heat. Hold persimmons by the stem and dip in hot chocolate, covering two-thirds of the base. Place on tray lined with parchment paper and sprinkle persimmons with sea salt.
Once chocolate has dried, move persimmons to serving tray.
Tip: See Chef Knoll's article, "The Modernist Kitchen," to learn how easy—and flavorful—it is to preserve fruits, herbs, vegetables and spices through all seasons by dehydrating them.
Serves 12