Petrale sole with summer tomato and corn saute
Richard Slusarz
Grand Hyatt, San Francisco

6 oz. petrale sole fillet
Salt and cracked black pepper
2 oz. pancetta bacon, diced and sauteed until crisp
1 ear corn, husked, grilled, then removed from cob
½ basket heirloom cherry tomatoes, cut in half
6 wedges new potatoes, poached till tender
Chopped parsley
2 oz. white wine
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Dredge sole fillet in flour and sauté till done: Cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side on medium heat, until fillet is golden brown and starts to flake at the thickest part. Remove and keep warm.
Pour off excess oil, add corn, pancetta and potatoes and sauté a minute or two, then add white wine and reduce by half.
Add tomatoes and gently warm; adjust seasoning and swirl in soft butter to make a creamy sauce. Add parsley and pour over fish. Serve with your choice of vegetables